How To Use Credit Card Wisely And Seek To Gain The Most Its Benefits
Do you hold any credit card ? If yes, how you use and find its advantage wisely once you take off from wallet. At the old day, we usually carry cash to go for shopping in fresh market, gas station, hyper mart and
more places. Today credit card has great deal influence in all most section of services and business. Many banks and non-banks have launched many credit cards to promote for their customers.
more places. Today credit card has great deal influence in all most section of services and business. Many banks and non-banks have launched many credit cards to promote for their customers.
- Cash back / Rebate
- Discount 3-8% for fill up car's gasoline
- Discount up to 58% for dining at the restaurant partnership
- Accumulate for flyer miles
- Reward any program in particular period of time
- Save for using fitness club
- Car miles check in lower price
- And more
Use it only for receiving any services from shop, restaurant, gas station, shopping online, insurance, hotel, trip, and/or other services from the participant with credit card issuer banks [Non-banks]. Then 45 days of the free interest after upon credit card using that is a great deal for card holders. Once the outstanding balance has been billed, you ought to pay in the full amount balance amount due to avoid the pending paying interest. on the unexpected expenses or on items that you eventually decide to return.
Of course, using as I have mentioned above, we will gain the benefit fully from credit card privileges.
- Firstly, buy and/or receive service prior payment for 45 day.
- Secondly, very convenient for carrying credit card.
- Thirdly, receive the accumulated points/rewards from the credit card issuer, which can be exchanged to any items from the card's promotion in each particular period.
Thus, to hold at least the two credit cards with the difference of 'Cutoff Date' will more benefit refer to the table below;
Card Name | Cutoff Date | Payment Due Date | Wisely Use Period | No cash/Interest Charge Period |
A bank
29th(Current month)
| 13th(Next month) |
| 30th(Current month)-13th(Next month) |
B bank
9th(Current month)
| 24th(Next month) |
| 10th(Current month)-24th(Next month) |
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